I saw some bogan kids playing handball, but the one in the middle was particularly annoying. He was a typical looking "Sid" type redneck character wearing an oversized baseball/basketball type singlet and had a shaved head.
They were playing, and as I walked by, the ball rolled and hit the back of my foot. I picked it up and noticed that "Sid" had his back turned to me. I was gonna return the ball, but couldn't resist pegging the ball at his head really hard.
He turned around all pissed off and started yelling at me. I made a run for it! He chased me with the ball, intending to throw it at me.
I ran into an electronics store and bumped into a massive customer. I looked up and saw it was... THE ROCK! He was being taught dancing lessons by Phillip Maung.
Phillip then tried to persuade me to take slow dancing lessons also, because we both stopped drinking and are now "too shy" to dance in front of people sober.
I pretended to fall over and curl up into a prawn position on the floor. The Rock copied, hoping it'd work. Phillip wasn't fooled =(
A crowd started forming to watch and I decided to make a run for it, figuring there'd be safety in numbers. I sat down randomly in the crowd and hoped to blend in.
I played with a Christmas beetle that was crawling around near me on the carpet. The guy in front of me said "You know they're made up of mostly dung right?". It was the JDM Style Tuning celebrity James Swiss!
I took the opportunity to flick the Christmas beetle onto him and he screamed like a little girl saying "Argh get it off get it off you idiot!". Laughing as I found some other baby beetles, I flicked more on him.
At that point I was rudely awakened by an unsettled stomach gurgling away.