Monday, October 10, 2011

obviously a sign for to register for the kilimanjaro adventure challenge!

hoooo i had an wicked dream last night that first involved me intiially being a detective following a serial killer that left clues at each of the crime scene which ended up forming the shape of the butterfly. we tracked him down to a hospital where his next victim was and end up chasing him through the corridors. however when we caught up with him, instead of arresting him, he ends up converting some of my fellow detectives over his side! at this point my subconsious decides to hightail it out of this situation and it switches to me getting at a meeting checkpoint for a safari tour. we were given an option of taking a train to the next point or hike there. naturally i opt for the hike and so we set off on our little expedition armed with nothing more than a map and a compass. since we were allowed to walk, i figured this hike should be relatively safe, it so wasnt! first we had to maneouver ourselves around a few unfriendly rhinos then came across a pack of lions. unfortunately i didnt escape this encounter unscathed with some very deep claw marks across my chest and back =\

this was obviously a sign for to register for the kilimanjaro adventure challenge!

who's with me?!?!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Doritos doritos DORITOS!

Having the flu gives you all sorts of weird dreams, but this one is pretty funny.

Started off with my dad and I driving and stopping by a 7/11 because I saw a massive shelf full of Doritos on special.

My dad started filling up a shopping bag full of Doritos but I noticed it wasn't THAT much cheaper, so he only grabbed two. I saw someone leave a jar of dip on the shelf and asked my dad if he wanted some mexicana dip.

He did, so we started wandering around for some. The 7/11 was HUGE and looked like a supermarket with us somehow ending up in the butchery section.

At the counter, I asked the person where the dip was. They said they didn't sell any, which was weird because I just saw some. Anyway, wasn't bothered and just wanting to leave, I looked for my dad.

I found him, chatting to a guy called Sam Wong who I went tutoring with. "Hey! How do you know Sam?". "Oh, he's my friend's son."

Weird thing was, my dad was dressed up in some Doritos orange alien costume with a coat-hanger antennae.


As I went to pay, my dad was outside lined up like soldiers with other Dorito outfit guys learning some funky Japanese dance.


What... the... fuck...

So I spotted something across the road. It was like a room full of food for some special event. Sure, that looked pretty good compared to the weirdos in orange alien outfits dancing outside 7/11.


The room had those fake white rome pillars and blue walls. Lined up with Thien, Vania and Elisa to get some food. There were quite a few giant silver platters of food to choose from. Fried chicken wings on salad, spring rolls, lots of glutinous rice balls cut in half with various flavours!

I love these things! Was probably drooling in my sleep ... 

There were the usual white ones filled with custard, green ones with pandan flavour and then black ones... with reddish filling which probably meant it was sesame flavour with red bean filling. I took pandan and custard. Screw the red bean!

It took me a moment to figure out, but the room felt floaty and weightless. That was because the room was inside an ancient monument that had sunken below sea level.

It was latched to something, barely hanging on. If the strap were to snap the room would sink to the bottom of the ocean. I woke up just as it snapped, craving for Dortios and custard glutinous rice balls!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Bus thief stopping for Red Lea

I stole a bus in Cabramatta and stopped to get some hot chips at Red Lea.

The lady there tried to sell me chicken shish kebab, then 2 potatoes with meat filling. They were out of hot chips cos it was afternoon.

She told me if I wanted hot chips then I'd have to wait. Was getting edgy so I left.

During that time, the bus was retrieved by owner and I didn't get in trouble for it.