I was in some unfamiliar close-to-the-city suburb and walking along the highway trying to find a car auction place with Jocelyn and her friends.
As we walked around the corner of a block, a massive tow truck with dried sting rays as step ranks drove around the corner.
Tow Truck + Step Platforms + Sting Ray
The sting ray clipped one of the girls on the back, ripping most of the back of her shirt off and leaving 6 deep claw marks across the left side of her back.
The driver pressed a button to retract the stingray platforms and came out to see what happened. He apologised and asked what we were doing on such a busy highway and I told em we were trying to find a car auction place.
He said he knew where it was and offered to take us there, but the girls wanted to find a hospital for their friend. Being the only guy there, I was volunteered to go with the truckie and find it.
I hopped on, and he drove me around the block and to some pub with a big carpark. I noticed a spider on the window next to me and grabbed a tissue to squish it. I then noticed 2 little flying insects and squished them.
These little, fat bodied spiders.
As soon as I did that, I noticed 4 more spiders appearing on the window. I quickly squished them with 1 hit and saw more spiders appearing on other parts of the window. Where the hell were they coming from!?
It was like a game of some sort. The more you squish, the more they come back and quicker! Then spider eggs started appearing and from those came 10 spiders each.
Squishing the eggs would leave a horrible sticky mess and the tissue became saturated with spider guts. While busy squishing spiders and spider eggs, in the corner of my eye I saw the eggs grow out from the window.
I freaked out when I felt a spider crawling up my leg and started to frantically hit it. Woke myself up by doing that.
I had a quick relapse and had another dream, this one I was driving along Smithfield Rd and was waiting at the lights at King St in a little red Charade/Mirage.
Only the true locals would understand this!
I turned left and it became a very steep downhill road with big windy curves. It led to a new set of display homes and this was the bit where I realised it was a reoccurring dream.
I have had a few dreams before where I've driven to see a set of display homes in a hilly and busy area surrounded by lots of gum trees.
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