Thursday, June 14, 2012

Nick made me so lolmad!

(I woke up pretty angry because this was a frustrating dream lol)

We were at some restaurant coz it was Moo's farewell or something.

Jocelyn was sitting with Lum on another table since there weren't enough seats. We had a joint table but the people next to us were already there when we got to the restaurant.

So I was with Moo and friends while Jocelyn and Nick were talking about something serious. I was so bored and just waiting around.

The scene switched, turning into Jocelyn and I driving the MPS to some American bush style home (brown log house, triangle shape, etc)
Imagine this, but on top of a hill with an aviary and a blue MPS

It was up on a hill, with an aviary at a cul-de-sac (almost sounds like home!). The house was a holiday and we were with Nick (from IRC) and someone else.

I parked across the road from our holiday house but didn't realise it was someone's driveway.

Since I already had unpacked some stuff, Nick offered to u-turn and park the car for me, so I let him.

He turned the car around, floored it and slammed into a parked car! Destroyed the whole right back side of the other car and wrecked the MPS.

He gets out all fine and says "Don't let someone drunk control your car" with a smile. I was so furious! Punched him in the face but he's super strong/big now.

So we get into the house and unpacked our stuff. He laughs at me again for letting him drive it when drunk.

Then somehow we were playing Diablo 3. He was hosting the game and then banned me! =\

Far out, raging so bad when I woke up lol

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